What Does Officer Wellness Do?

Plainly put - everything.

Officer wellness is the foundation of which a healthy cop is built upon. Just like the kinetic chain, which refers to the idea that if the body’s joints are weak, everything above them will be lacking optimal function - knees, hips, low back - making them more susceptible to injury, its also true about officer wellness. If the mind and the body are out of sorts, the work performance will be susceptible to dysfunction.

I’ve been working with the law enforcement community since 2013 and I’ve been lucky enough to build one of the largest officer wellness communities on the internet. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of hearing candid stories about not only exemplary officers but corrupt ones. And, unfortunately, due to the negativity bias we as humans have, I hear more of the latter.

Just to name a few of the stories I can recall:

  • Officers having sex with CI’s

  • Extramarital affairs

  • Stealing money or evidence

  • Mistreating prisoners

  • Antagonizing citizens

  • Brutal use of force

  • Sexual harassment of female police

  • Denying workers comp claims

  • Racism or prejudice

While it’s easy to brush these things off as “that’s not me” or “those people are probably shitty humans”, let me remind you that often times, people gradually make choices that lead them down this road.

So, back to the question, “What does officer wellness do?” EVERYTHING.

If we can stay focused on what makes us feel well – relationships, self-care, community, finances and physical health, everything that springs forth from there will have a better chance of being healthy too.  

Written by Erica Gaines

CEO/Founder of TacMobility and a huge advocate for officer wellness. After meeting over 100,000 police officers, she created ones of the fastest growing officer wellness training programs to help the nationwide crisis: Officer Suicide.

Suicide is the #1 Cop Killer in America and TacMobility was created to lower the risk of suicidality while empowering the lives of law enforcement across America. Our summer 2024 calendar is now open and you don’t want to keep putting off quality wellness training for your agency. Contact us for a free consult or attend one of our upcoming virtual trainings on our event page.

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The Complete Officer Wellness & Resiliency eCourse by TacMobility
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The Complete Officer Wellness & Resiliency eCourse by TacMobility is designed to provide law enforcement officers with the tools they need to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain their overall well-being.

✓ Detailed Visual Aids
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✓ Mobility Exercises
✓ Stress Refief

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