Tactical Solutions for Enhancing Officer Wellness and Performance

Our specialized officer wellness training courses help police to understand how their bodies function and demonstrate how to reduce and manage the symptoms of trauma and toxic stress exposure.

We guarantee class engagement and positive feedback - no matter how salty or old school you or your agency may be - or we’ll give you half your money back.

Controlling the Mind & the Machine Course

Officer Wellness & Resiliency Training

Our comprehensive program focuses on enhancing resilience and promoting overall well-being among police officers. With a commitment to excellence, TacMobility offers cutting-edge officer wellness training that goes beyond traditional methods. Officers participating in our program experience a remarkable increase in resiliency, equipping them with the mental and physical tools to navigate the challenges of their demanding profession.

Course Overview (4hrs):

  • Trauma & Stress Education - Evidence based visuals of how the mind & the body interact during stressful or traumatic situations and national stress statistics on police stress to smash mental health stigma’s.

  • Resiliency & Emotional Intelligence Development- Group discussion with emotional intelligence building training aids, live stress inoculation with cold exposure to produce real time Fight or Flight symptoms that enables students to practice optimal Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in a controlled environment, and practice with 3 nervous system regulating techniques.

  • Chronic Tension Management - 60 minutes of customized mobility sequencing based on the needs of each individual class provides the opportunity for attendees to walk away from an officer wellness class feeling better and more relaxed.


Balancing the Badge Course

Wellness & Self-Care Strategies for Women Police

In addition to the stressors of being police officers, women police are facing numerous Homelife responsibilities leaving them to experience increased anxiety, stress and trauma. Discover the key to balancing work and life, understand unique officer wellness challenges faced by female officers, and learn 3 powerful regulation techniques.

Course overview (90min-2hrs):

  • Normalize stressors - Gender specific stress data from our Female Law Enforcement survey to help normalize the lady cop experience.

  • Develop Healthy Skills - Coping strategies to lower anxiety from on-the-job trauma exposure and overwhelm stemming from Homelife responsibilities.

  • Relieve tension & Calm The Body - 45 minutes of mobility and rehabilitative stretches to reduce chronic pain caused by gear and stress and support menstrual cycle discomfort.

  • Progressive Sustainability - Tips on how to develop better work/life balance to create career sustainability.


Burnout Recovery for First Responders Course

We walk you through step-by-step training aids so that you can conquer the pains of chronic stress and fatigue that are unique to First Responder wellness.

Course Overview (4hrs):

  • Burnout Assessment - Identify burnout contributors and create a recovery game plan based off personal wellness goals.

  • Resiliency Development- Practice several stress management skills that reduce frustration, fatigue and overwhelm.

  • Experience Resiliency - Custom recovery programming with lacrosse ball mobility for chronic tension relief.


After Action Recovery Course

Mass Shooting After Care For First Responders

Recovery is critical for post-shooting after care because there WILL be stress symptoms that arise. We’ve combined stress science with the real life experience and advise of officers involved in Colorado mass shootings.

Course Overview (90min-2hrs):

  • After Action Assessment - Learn about the effects of adrenaline and cortisol and which stress symptoms officers involved in mass shootings can experience.

  • Manage Heart Rate Variability (HRV) - Understand how officer resiliency is connected to the HR by practicing several HRV regulating techniques.

  • Recovery Planning - The goal is to not find yourself involved in a shooting without a game plan for after the action. Practice mobility exercises and learn about resources and techniques that will support your well-bring after a shooting.


The Problem Is You Think Too Much

Mindfulness Training That Isn’t Weird

No hand holding, no crossing your legs, and no healing crystals please. First Responders are dying 15 years earlier than the average human and cardiovascular disease is becoming more and more common. Learn the benefits of getting out of your head with mindfulness and meditation techniques that aren’t weird.

Course Overview (90min - 2hrs):

Mental & Physical Health Crisis - Learn about the devastating impacts of trauma and stress exposure for First Responder wellness.

Self-Mastery - It’s impossible to shut your brain off, instead, learn how to master and harness its power with emotional intelligence building and 5 nervous system regulation techniques.

Body Diagnostics - Power down your body and amplify your internal awareness with a simple guided contemplation (meditation).