Save Your F*cking Money

Do you suck at saving? Do you hate saving? Learn how to save your money by starting with this small savings challenge for the TacMobility community.

What’s Your “Why”?

Officer wellness HAS to include financial independence but first steps first. Figure out a solid reason to save your money instead of spending it all on Amazon and Zyn*. Name your fund (ex: f*ck you fund - being pissed at someone and having a stash of cash to spend or a medical fund - for those labs you’ve been needing to get).


Choose your challenge:

Option 1: Percentages

·       Good: Save 5% of take home pay, or $175

·       Better: Save 10% of take home pay, or $350

·       Best: Save 15% of take home pay, or $525

(These percentages can be increased/decreased based on your specific situation. The point is to start somewhere and see what you can accomplish.)

Option 2: Fixed Savings $200

·       Print out the free June savings worksheet - choose a square with the dollar amount you want to save that day & shade it in. Do this daily for the entire month.

(If you’ve never done a savings challenge or you’re living paycheck to paycheck, this beginners option is very manageable and interactive.)

Sign Up For The Challenge

During the June savings challenge, we’ll check-in with you a couple of time and do a couple of giveaways. If you want in, fill out the form below. Even if we don’t we’re hella excited that you’re joining us for the challenge!

Resiliency That Doesn’t Suck

Our comprehensive 4-hour Law Enforcement Mental Health eCourse teaches you how to increase resiliency, control mental health and manage tension caused by toxic stress exposure.

This course includes:

  • 4 hours of on-demand video

  • Engaging pdf student guidebook

  • Lifetime access to presentation and mobility

  • National police stress data

  • Access on mobile or desktop


Want To Bring TacMobility To Your Department?

Fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss bringing TacMobility Wellness to your community